Monday, February 20, 2017

Trading: The Variety of Possibilties

Civilizations have managed to accumulate their wealth based on two factors, the first is through warfare and the second is through trade. The topic of warfare will be discussed at a later time, trading will be explained in this blog. In Civilization V the player is able to begin their quest to establish trading relations with any civilization after they have unlocked the Animal Husbandry technology. When unlocked, the game screen will display the limit to how many trade routes the player may establish. Some civilizations may be able to establish more trade routes, while others aren't so fortunate. However, the starting limit to the amount of trade routes is 1.

By researching Animal Husbandry, a civilization is able to gain the information and the ability to create a Caravan unit. this particular unit serves as a commercial link from one civilization to another. This exchange could include a set amount of Technology, Gold, and Faith. Once constructed, the Caravan will link with a nearby city and make the transition to trade with it. There is a limit to the range of the Caravan unit, and that is 30 tiles from the starting city to the other city. Also, it cannot cross Lakes, Coasts, or Lakes.

This is the technology that begins the path to commerce in Civilization V.

Instead, the Cargo Ship serves as the link for Coastal Cities. The player can unlock this unit by successfully unlocking the Sailing Technology. In addition, the player may gain an additional trade route that they may establish. With certain technologies, a civilization may be able to gain additional trade routes to their commercial empire. Also, certain Wonders like the Colossus and Petra serve as World Wonders that can be constructed and increase the limit of trade routes for that civilization.

As previously mentioned, there is a limit to the range of trade routes both on land and sea. As previously mentioned, Land Trade Routes are limited to 30 tiles, but Naval Trade Routes are limited to 20 tiles. However, both may be expanded with further advancement in technology. In the case of Land Trade Routes, there is the creation of a Caravansary which extends the range to 15 tiles (pre-Combustion) and 30 tiles after researching Combustion. The Caravansary may be built after researching the Commerce Technology. In addition, it allows the Caravans owner to reap an additional +2 Gold.

As for Naval Trade Routes, there are a bit more solution to adding more range. The three pieces to expanding Naval Trade Routes are the Compass Technology, the Harbor building, and the Refrigeration Technology. All of these will equate to an increase in range of about 60 tiles. Keep in mind that these routes are very vulnerable, as even in today's society there are pillagers of the sea. However, the same could be said for Land Trade Routes. In addition, both may be canceled if the other party has/is declared/targeted for war.

The amount of Gold that is gained is dependent on the amount of resources that one possesses. In addition, the amount of infrastructure that is built in the city plays a pivotal role in the amount of Gold gained. In a nutshell, the more diverse your resources, the income of the two cities and any special buildings they may have. For more in depth look into the variety of factors that play into the role of trading and what determines Gold, Science, Faith, etc. please consult this informational guide (

All of this relates to the fact that trading does build a Civilization. In this instance, it is the Shoshone tribe of North America. Through the initial Turquoise Route that connected the Native Americans of both North and Central America, many goods were traded with one another. The Shoshone would trade for natural goods that were found in their region with those found further south. It is believed that through these interactions that the Shoshone people had managed to obtain mustangs from the Spanish.

The various goods that they traded were animal hides such as foxes, bison, wolf, or eagle. In addition they also created their own clothes which consisted of leather jerkins, moccasins, headdresses, breeches, etc. They also managed to harvest the variety of different dyes in their geographic area, such as cacti for a green dye. They also managed to add even more diversity for the wide range of colored beads that they used to decorate their clothing.

Whenever the Americans would arrive to establish the Santa Fe Trail in the early 19th century, both the Shoshone and Mexicans would be there. The Shoshone for their part would serve as guides for the Americans, and would scout out the land in an effort to expand trading relations with the United States. Through their actions, the trade of buffalo hides and the latter expansion of the railway system would continue into the 19th century and would expand their humble trading. The American settlers would bring weaponry, manufactured goods, and many more wondrous pieces of technology.

A pair of Shoshone Moccasins. One of the signature articles of clothing for Native American tribes.
Trade is what essentially expands the technology, ideas, thought, beliefs and culture to another civilization. In World History this could be dated back to the Silk Road and the cultural, technological and religious impacts it had. Throughout history it has played a role, from early Han Dynasty, to Kublai Khan's China it has played a significant role. All major civilization in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East have attempted to govern the vast expanse of this epic trade route. All have succeeded, for a period of time, only for a new civilization to take up the reins of the old. It's as if there is a passing of the torch to acquiring the Silk Road, ad no one civilization has held it forever. Such is trade, in that it comes and goes with the times.

However, in keeping with the times, these same trade routes are deemed less important with new forms of technology. In Civilization V there is more profit to be had when a civilization establishes a naval trade route, than a land based one. This is a reflection of the gradual shift from the Silk Road's usage in the Han Dynasty, Islamic Empire, and finally the Mongolian Empire. It wasn't until new forms of naval technology emerged and completely replaced the need for a long distance trade route, when a naval one could travel in less time.

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